No plans to change state’s public service WFH policy
Public servants in Queensland will maintain work-from-home arrangements after the premier quashed any changes to the flexible policy.
Public servants in Queensland will maintain work-from-home arrangements after the premier quashed any changes to the flexible policy.
Living in a home built with accessibility in mind is a dream Julie Charlton and others with disabilities like her want to be made a national reality.
A royal commission has found hundreds of thousands of New Zealand children were abused, tortured or killed while in state and faith-based care.
Another state has signed a federal renewable energy agreement, anticipating rising power demand in coming decades from new refineries and low-carbon industries.
Labor heavyweight Craig Emerson has distanced the party from allegations of criminality within the CFMEU, suggesting it won't cause significant voter backlash.
Delays for energy transmission projects over the past decade, under both major parties, are adding to power bills and making the nation's network less reliable.
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese fought back tears while revealing the manifesto of a teen terror suspect allegedly included threats towards his family.
President Cyril Ramaphosa has announced cabinet positions for South Africa's unity government.
New Zealand's proposed changes to the digital bargaining law will align it more closely with Australia's, Communications Minister Paul Goldsmith says.
UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer has held his first cabinet meeting as his team seeks to fix a raft of domestic problems and win over a weary public.
A power line stretching more than 800km will connect a mineral-rich northern area to the national electricity grid in a "transformative" project for the region.
Victoria's premier has announced a pill testing trial will take place in the state in a step away from her predecessor Daniel Andrews' stance on the issue.
What is being billed as NSW's largest ongoing commitment to flood preparedness and infrastructure will support residents in Sydney's disaster-prone northwest.
Two Katter's Australian Party MPs have been found in contempt over their actions during a pro-Palestine protest outside Queensland parliament.
Many pumped hydro projects will need to be built if the opposition scraps the controversial Pioneer Burdekin scheme, the Queensland government claims.
ANC leader Cyril Ramaphosa is expected to win a new term as South Africa's newly elected parliament convenes to choose a president.
Opposition leader David Crisafulli has made a pre-election pitch focusing on housing but has vowed to scrap a controversial energy project.
Legislative changes have been pushed through Queensland parliament after some people on the state parole board had not been properly appointed.
The Queensland 2024-25 budget's bottom line is better than expected thanks to treasury putting its foot down on proposals.
The Queensland government will allocate $62 million to the Olympics delivery authority set to roll out its infrastructure plan.
Suggestions former premier Annastacia Palaszczuk could join Labor on the campaign trail for the Queensland election have been endorsed by the treasurer.
A big-spending budget targeting cost-of-living relief that will lift Queensland's deficit to $2.6 billion has set the scene for the state election.
LNP leader David Crisafulli's support for funded projects in Labor's last budget before the Queensland election has been slammed by ex-premier Campbell Newman.
A real estate body has called on authorities to provide an accountable delivery plan, describing the Queensland's housing crisis as "woeful".
The party of incumbent Prime Minister Narendra Modi has declared victory in India's parliamentary elections, although it has lost its outright majority.
A north Queensland mayor has been told to step down by the premier after council colleagues voted for his removal amid a corruption watchdog investigation.
A north Queensland mayor who has been told to stand down amid a corruption watchdog probe says he is the victim of a "witch hunt".
Brisbane is now the second most expensive city to buy a house, leapfrogging the nation's capital Canberra to sit behind Sydney for the first time since 1997.
Family and domestic violence is rising in Queensland where the state government is directing millions of extra dollars towards frontline response and support.
Queensland's decision to ban carbon capture and storage projects in the Great Artesian Basin has sparked calls for the federal government to follow suit.
A north Queensland mayor accused of misconduct says he is going nowhere despite growing political pressure to step aside.