Parents kept in the dark on teacher’s child sex abuse
Trauma created by a teacher's sexual abuse of children was exacerbated by the way an education department mishandled the case, with parents kept in the dark.
Trauma created by a teacher's sexual abuse of children was exacerbated by the way an education department mishandled the case, with parents kept in the dark.
The only university in Queensland to offer a dance qualification isn't taking new students. But with the Olympics in 2032, it will need more dancers than ever.
Five Indigenous scholars have been awarded the inaugural First Nations Cancer Scholarship, supporting each person to undertake full-time studies or research.
An independent office designed to help university students escalate concerns about sexual misconduct is expected to handle about 15,000 complaints a year.
Extreme heat and disruptions from climate-fuelled floods and fires pose learning setbacks for students that may weigh on their future earnings, a report says.
Parents welcoming the start of the school year are also set to be bombarded with more than 1200 tasks related to home, school and extra-curricular activities.
An extra $3.5 billion in federal cash will be ponied up by the Albanese government after protracted public school funding negotiations with two hold-out states.
While families have saved thousands of dollars under an expanded childcare subsidy, experts have warned centres may have no option but to hike fees.
As Australian parents deal with the ballooning cost of school supplies amid other cost-of-living pressures, a minor party is promising relief.
A transgender tutor has accused a Catholic schools body of failing to let her work after she transitioned and asking invasive questions about her bathroom use.
Technology is a major factor in rising back-to-school costs as Australian teachers notice an increase in students without the essentials.
Driven to practice medicine after witnessing disadvantage in his community, Torres Strait Islander doctor T'kido Titasey hopes to inspire others.
The government should make it an offence to threaten marginalised Australians and set up a national database to help combat hate crimes, a committee recommends.
Microsoft wants to train at least one million Australians and New Zealanders in how to use AI tools over the next two years as part of a worldwide push.
A leading university art museum has cut its 2025 program, including a career survey by artist Jemima Wyman. She says she is devastated by the move.
As menstrual health can impact educational outcomes and quality of life, researchers have developed a teaching guide hoping to break down stigma around periods.
Bullying in Australian schools will be put under a microscope as the federal government looks to tackle the behaviour in the real world.
As the federal opposition prepares to reveal plans to cap international students, the political debate has left many foreign students feeling unwanted.
Charities will go head to head at a philanthropic pitching event, including one with a program helping Indigenous kids transition from school to university.
University campus-style facilities are set to make life easier for students living on the outskirts of Australia's biggest cities.
Australian schools will have access to a government-funded digital tool to support students' mental health but some question whether it will be effective.
An artificial intelligence tool developed in Australia is being tested in classrooms and early results suggest it is helping students improve their answers.
Victoria's year 12 exam blunder has claimed its first scalp, after half of the tests were impacted by an error that allowed students to preview questions.
Banning under 16s from social media would be critical for the wellbeing of young people, a peak body for school principals says.
University students will be encouraged to use artificial intelligence programs to complete assignments and research projects under a bold policy change.
The Greens have called for all student debt to be wiped, saying the party's $74 billion plan will be a negotiating chip for a possible minority government.
The university sector says it is in a world of financial pain and could cut up to 14,000 jobs as it deals with a forced drop-off in international students.
The prime minister wants to recalibrate Labor's agenda following controversy, pitching student loan help at graduates juggling cost-of-living pressures.
The federal government has unveiled plans to cut HECS debt by one-fifth for university students if it wins the next election.
The opposition and student union have criticised Labor's pledge to cut student debts by 20 per cent, but universities backed efforts to make the system fairer.
A plan to reduce student debt for millions of Australians will help, but an economist says the impact will be relatively marginal.