Ex-Liberal spared conviction on personal tax offences
Former Tasmanian MP Adam Brooks has been spared a conviction on personal tax offences, while a company he directed was fined $5000 for failing to file returns.
Former Tasmanian MP Adam Brooks has been spared a conviction on personal tax offences, while a company he directed was fined $5000 for failing to file returns.
A state will be in the red for some years as its government flags swelling infrastructure costs, as the opposition warns of the risk of potential spending cuts.
Government finances are wobbling in Australia's most populous state as stubbornly high interest rates weigh on home building and consumer spending.
Project cost blowouts and extra government spending could put too much pressure on a state's budget for it to retain its longstanding AA+ credit rating.
Australia's retail sales enjoyed a boost from an early start to Black Friday discounting and recovering bank balances following tax cuts.
A corporate income tax haul of almost $100 billion is being hailed as a "great result" but almost a third of major Australian companies avoided a tax bill.
Wealthy families are being targeted for a massive hike in fees for settling inheritance after the death of a loved one.
The Victorian government has been warned businesses will flee interstate if it turns its back on loosening tax settings in an upcoming economic growth plan.
Any further cost-of-living relief will need to be balanced carefully against budget constraints and economic circumstances, the federal treasurer says.
Holidaymakers will soon have to pay an extra 7.5 per cent fee on Airbnb and Stayz bookings under an Australian-first levy ticked off by Victorian parliament.
The prime minister has hosed down suggestions Labor will take changes to negative gearing to the election, amid warnings it could hike up rents.
Spending on the Melbourne Metro Tunnel has blown out again with the latest hike costing taxpayers $837 million, with the total now put at $13.48 billion.
After days of discussions over curbing property investors' tax concessions, the government has firmed its stance against the rumours.
The Tasmanian Liberal government's 2024/25 budget has pushed back a projected surplus and forecast net debt to double in four years.
The Property Council argues stamp duty is a major barrier for downsizers, while Victoria's premier did not rule out a one-off exemption to free up family homes.
Leveraging Commonwealth payments to states if they fail to tackle housing supply is under consideration.
Increases to federal tobacco tax duties are fuelling Victoria's rampant black market and states and territories should get a cut to police it, an inquiry says.
Tasmania's budget deficit for 2023/24 is set to grow fourfold, mainly because of a $571 million increase in payouts to child sexual abuse survivors.
Union members will be "watching like hawks" to ensure companies don't try to circumvent a ban on engineered stone, the CFMEU national secretary has warned.
The new financial year has ushered in a range of new laws, including tax cuts despite concerns they could add more pain to households by fuelling inflation.
The new financial year ushers in a range of new cost-of-living measures that the prime minister insists are responsible in light of inflation challenges.
Nurses have demanded a 15 per cent pay rise and a new report argues the NSW government could achieve it without costing taxpayers a cent.
Cost-of-living help has been handed to struggling to households in an ACT budget that also vies to tackle the housing crisis and other slower-burn challenges.
The latest tax cuts will see families with children pocket more than $60 a week on average, Treasury analysis shows.
Record spending on social housing has headlined the Minns government's second budget as the NSW treasurer blames GST changes for rolling deficits.
Fears of shuttered GP clinics or more patients being slugged with gap payments have been allayed, but there's concern over the overall NSW health budget.
Several unions want worker pay packets to rise beyond the NSW government's offer, but critics warn going further could hurt the budget for years.
Landlords, holiday-home owners and businesses could be hit with higher taxes in the NSW budget, while $200m has been set aside for homes for regional workers.
Many pumped hydro projects will need to be built if the opposition scraps the controversial Pioneer Burdekin scheme, the Queensland government claims.
Homes will be built quicker and more efficiently under a NSW budget plan that will cut red tape, drawing praise from developer groups and housing advocates.
Britain's Tories are focusing on tax under Labour as fresh opinion polls show the governing party well and truly on the ropes ahead of the general election.