More women in cabinet but representation worries build
The political representation of women has received a boost after a pre-election cabinet shuffle but concerns remain over the opposition's gender imbalance.
The political representation of women has received a boost after a pre-election cabinet shuffle but concerns remain over the opposition's gender imbalance.
Veteran independents say a minority government could get more done but caution crossbenchers against trying to set deals in stone with the major parties.
Australia's carbon projects are doing little to conserve the nation's most threatened species whose habitat is mostly on privately owned agricultural land.
The cost of repaying those harmed by AI decisions should be considered before government departments deploy the technology, an inquiry has heard.
The prime minister has threatened a double dissolution over resistance to his government's housing policy but experts don't think this will benefit his party.
Labor heavyweight Craig Emerson has distanced the party from allegations of criminality within the CFMEU, suggesting it won't cause significant voter backlash.
Leading economist Allan Fels says a lack of competition and exploitative practices are just a few reasons why Australia needs to look more closely at prices.
The Australian Electoral Commission's latest figures give Labor 75 seats to the coalition's 59, as vote counting continues.
Supporters of the Tamil family held in immigration detention believe their plight changed votes in Qld as the town of Biloela prepares to welcome them home.
The wave of newly elected women independent MPs has moderate Liberals and Labor assessing the damage in formerly safe NSW seats.