Corruption reports might be brought to light by reforms
Every recommendation of a corruption watchdog review will be adopted by the Queensland government, including the release of reports retrospectively.
Every recommendation of a corruption watchdog review will be adopted by the Queensland government, including the release of reports retrospectively.
Discussions to reduce fares on privately-operated trains to Brisbane airport are underway but won't drop to 50c during a public transport trial in Queensland.
Deputy Premier Cameron Dick has ensured future modifications to a Queensland super tax on coal royalties will require legislative changes.
Queensland's health minister has been accused by the opposition of inciting cyberbullying over a social media post regarding a parliamentary jibe.
A parliamentary hearing has heard a history of inaccurate reporting should disallow some media organisations access to Queensland Childrens Court cases.
Potential impacts on groundwater resources has led to the rejection of Glencore's carbon capture storage project in the Great Artesian Basin.
The Queensland premier has doubled down on calls to cut migration, saying their transport system and roads are under pressure due to the number of arrivals.
Queensland's treasurer has revealed the upcoming budget will forecast a $3 billion deficit as the government spends on cost-of-living relief measures.
Queensland's chief health officer has issued a warning about the "public health problem" of social media to young people.
Tasmania's minority Liberal government has lost the position of Speaker on the first day of parliament since the state election in March.
Proposed laws in Queensland will bring greater scrutiny to IVF and fertility services, as well as the introduction of a donor conception register.
A peak medical body is calling for urgent end-of-life care funding in the Queensland budget and an explanation as to where previous funding has gone.
Annastacia Palaszczuk will be an international ambassador for a smart energy council in her first role since stepping down as Queensland premier.
A parliamentary inquiry has ruled in favour of offshore petroleum tax changes but critics say Australians will still not get a fair return on their resources.
Queensland emergency services will fall under new departments after state parliament passed laws to better align diaster management responses.
Five net-free fishing zones have been given approval in northern Australia to the delight of marine conservationists.
Advocates say children are suffering in Queensland watch houses and a state government Youth Justice Act tweak will only make the problem worse.
A fourth Australian jurisdiction has voted to fully decriminalise sex work in a bid to prevent discrimination and ensure safety.
The Queensland government is delivering a major rebate amid the cost of living crisis in Australia's biggest energy cash splash for households.
The Queensland government's decision to expand police stop and search powers after a spate of NSW knife attacks has raised concerns.
Shoppers and pub patrons could be searched for weapons by police under a proposed expansion of "wanding" laws that have attracted interstate attention.
National cabinet has agreed to a $925 million fund that will provide $5000 to women escaping domestic violence, as part of a suite of reforms.
The Queensland government has been accused of breaching its international human rights commitments over a planned youth justice law change.
Children in Queensland police watch houses have been sexually and physically assaulted, with an advocacy group saying the system is not coping.
Two opposition parties in the Solomon Islands have joined forces as they court independents in a bid to reach the 26 seats needed to form a government.
The Liberal National Party opposition is on track for a huge Queensland election victory in October based on the latest YouGov polling.
A backlog of cases at a Queensland DNA lab has increased as the state opposition calls on the government to release a full strategy to address its issues.
Two months after being seriously injured in a car crash, Queensland Greens MP Amy MacMahon has made an emotional return to state parliament.
Children may have been exposed to asbestos for months or years after the hazardous material was detected at a primary school, parents say.
A trial designed to help farmers negotiate better deals with Australia's supermarket giants will be rolled out across Queensland amid claims of "dirty" tactics.
The Queensland government will maintain its commitment to cost-of-living relief for households despite the treasurer warning of a difficult budget ahead.