Public holiday call as SA survey launched
An influential union has called for Easter Sunday to become a public holiday in South Australia as residents of the state are urged to have their say.
An influential union has called for Easter Sunday to become a public holiday in South Australia as residents of the state are urged to have their say.
Entrenched disadvantage can be tackled with "innovative" new ideas from community-led knowledge, as the Albanese government looks for a fresh approach.
Victoria's new ministry has been sworn in at Government House, with Premier Daniel Andrews defending a promotion for ex-planning minister Lizzie Blandthorn.
The Administrative Appeals Tribunal has decided only one of 12 requested documents from the failed robodebt scheme will be released to the public.
Two major infrastructure projects have been revealed by the Queensland government as part of a clean energy super hub in the state's north.
Long-term energy targets have been welcomed as the Queensland government announced the modernisation of it's energy sector in a 10-year plan.
The NSW government has lost its bid to halt industrial action on the state's train networks after a ruling by the industrial umpire.
Australian workers will be entitled to more superannuation while some households face bigger power bills in the new financial year.
Sydney commuters can expect more travel chaos next week after the NSW government and rail unions failed to reach an agreement over safety concerns.
Queensland will expand its single-use plastics ban, with cotton buds, microbeads and mass balloon releases the next to go, and coffee cups in the cross hairs.
The Queensland government won't make a decision on a controversial coal seam gas application until the resources minister meets with the mayor who opposes it.
The federal government will pay French company Naval Group about $830 million to settle a scrapped deal to build defence submarines in South Australia.
Community centres in Queensland will have their funding model reviewed as the state government develops a 10-year plan to address social isolation.
The NSW government has been urged to reconsider its infrastructure 'megaprojects' as rising costs put a question mark over their benefit to the state.
China wants to enter into security arrangements with up to 10 Pacific nations that resemble the controversial pact it signed with Solomon Islands.
The Queensland government has handed back a site where 300 people were massacred in the 1800s to the traditional owners, the Darumbal people.
Queensland has launched a campaign to encourage interstate tradies to relocate and help with the southeast flood clean-up.
The Queensland government has defended its right to information processes as the opposition calls for significant reform governing how information is disclosed.
The Queensland government has paired with charity Share the Dignity to provide free sanitary products in schools across the state.
Police divers searching for a missing 42-year-old woman in Mudgeeraba, Queensland, have found a body.
State funding for free or subsided kindergarten in Queensland, including efforts to attract staff to remote areas, has prompted calls for more federal action.
As protesters surround the official residence of the governor-general, police have warned anti-vaccination protests in Canberra will grow in coming days.
Queensland's outgoing integrity commissioner has backed a call for a formal investigation into the body responsible for public service oversight.
Australia will get a fourth type of COVID-19 vaccine, as two oral treatments for the virus were also granted approval by the medical regulator.
National cabinet is meeting to discuss a safe start to schools, while leaders will be updated on the vaccine rollout, health system and epidemiology.
Declassified cabinet documents from the Howard government in 2001 provide insight into how Australia's leadership grappled with the 9/11 terrorist attack.