Taylor Swift fans assured mulch issue won’t stop shows
Asbestos-tainted mulch has been found at further sites as the NSW Environment Minister blames regulatory failure for the growing scandal.
Asbestos-tainted mulch has been found at further sites as the NSW Environment Minister blames regulatory failure for the growing scandal.
Premier Steven Miles will forge ahead with bold emissions reduction targets over the next decade even as his government continues with fossil fuel approvals.
Syphilis cases have risen in Queensland by more than 25 per cent over the past year, with the state government now intervening to stop the spread.
A crossbench call for Queensland to scrap a planned Gabba rebuild for the Olympics comes amid hot debate over the stadium's future.
Replica guns, knives and other edged weapons can no longer be sold to minors after legislation was brought forward in a bid to crack down on youth crime.
A former chief justice will lead a review into the complex legal and ethical issues raised when a corruption watchdog publishes findings against individuals.
Hundreds of sites are due to be tested for contaminated mulch including some outside Sydney as an expert group is formed to speed up the investigation.
Criminal offences relating to sex work will be scrapped in a bid to increase safety in the profession in Queensland.
Construction workers have marched through Brisbane's streets demanding workplace safety action following the death of a colleague in December.
The Queensland premier has moved to improve media access to Children's Court cases through legislative reforms.
The Australian energy regulator is taking a Queensland power plant owner to court over alleged compliance failures at a beleaguered coal-fired facility.
Tackling youth crime will be a focus for the Queensland parliament as it returns for the first sitting week of 2024.
Members of the organising committee for the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games have indicated a rebuild of the Gabba may not be the best way forward.
Environmentalists have slammed a decision to approve a coal mine in Queensland that is expected to produce more than half a billion tonnes in emissions.
Tasmania appears to be heading to an early election with rebel independent MPs and the state's minority Liberal premier at loggerheads.
The Queensland government will expand the reporting powers of the Crime and Corruption Commission after a commitment from Premier Steven Miles.
Nominations have opened for ex-Queensland premier Annastacia Palaszczuk's former Brisbane seat ahead of a by-election in March.
People evacuated from a flood-hit far north Queensland community don't look like returning any time soon due to a damaged pump at a waste treatment plant.
A key Queensland coal-fired power station has had its partial return to service delayed once again.
Public transport options to and from Brisbane Airport will be prioritised as the government continues to navigate an aging, monopolised train contract.
A $1.2 billion dam in Queensland is set to be rebuilt after experts said an existing wall had too many issues and could not be repaired.
Queensland's Labor government has ushered in five new ministers as the successor to Annastacia Palaszczuk sets his sights on winning the 2024 state election.
Days after Steven Miles took over as Queensland's 40th premier, a new-look cabinet will be sworn in as Labor begins life without Annastacia Palaszczuk.
Days after Steven Miles took over as Queensland's 40th premier, a new-look cabinet has been sworn in as Labor begins life without Annastacia Palaszczuk.
Key Brisbane Olympic infrastructure projects like the controversial Gabba rebuild will be reconsidered by a new-look Queensland government.
Creative Australia will distribute $170m to 159 arts organisations, funding an extra 45 groups. But Brisbane's Metro Arts is among those that have missed out.
Steven Miles is set to step up as Queensland's next premier after Health Minister Shannon Fentiman opted not to stand for the Labor leadership.
Advocates have called on the state government to develop a comprehensive plan to tackle youth crime with the current strategy to expire this month
An Auditor-General's report has found Queensland energy providers are still lagging behind in implementing appropriate security processes.
Anthony Albanese has negotiated deals with states and territories on extra health funding, the GST carve-up and the National Disability Insurance Scheme.
Schools helping youth stay out of trouble and engaged in secondary education will benefit from a $288 million funding package announced by the state government.