Bank of mum and dad could run dry for retirement
Affordability constraints have many turning to the bank of mum and dad but parents have been urged to consider their finances carefully before lending.
Affordability constraints have many turning to the bank of mum and dad but parents have been urged to consider their finances carefully before lending.
How much do you need to save for a comfortable retirement? It’s a big question, and you’ll often hear dire warnings you don’t have enough. But for most Australians, it’s a lot less than you might think.
A review has cleared the board of a major superannuation fund but suggested substantial improvements after intense scrutiny of CFMEU-linked appointments.
Richer Australians could soon pay more for their aged care in order to relieve budget pressure and allow the government to support those with limited means.
If homebuyers use super to put down a deposit, median house prices will increase across the nation and young people will be no better off, modelling reveals.
Labor senator Pat Dodson is quitting politics after being diagnosed with cancer, with his resignation to take effect on January 26.
Labor is on track for another parliamentary battle with the Greens, with the minor party laying out what it will take to gain support for super tax changes.
Wealthy Australians might need to save a portion of their superannuation to pay for their own aged care as the government looks for ways to fund the sector.
AustralianSuper is apologising after it failed to detect about 100,000 members with multiple accounts who were inadvertently double billed for fees.
Retired police officers will be able to return to the front lines in Queensland under a program designed to provide relief to the state's stretched service.
French President Emmanuel Macron is under pressure to find a way out of the pension reform crisis as hundreds of thousands join a ninth day of protests.
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese says he had a responsibility to act on superannuation tax changes following official advice on larger balances.
Labor has received support for its superannuation plan from an interesting quarter - the chief executive of NAB.
Treasurer Jim Chalmers has hit out at opposition attacks on the government's superannuation tax changes, describing them as only modest.
The treasurer says a change to super tax concessions above $3 million is a modest budget repair measure amid opposition attacks over the higher rate.
Tax authorities have found another $2.1 billion in lost and unclaimed superannuation since last financial year, taking the nation's total to $16 billion.
Jim Chalmers has kept the door open to an overhaul of super tax concessions as he looks for opportunities to repair the stretched federal budget.
Jim Chalmers will push to legislate a common objective for superannuation funds to stop early withdrawals and limit the use of super to accumulate wealth.
The federal government is cutting the interest rate pensioners pay should they tap the equity in their home to boost their retirement income.
The federal government is cutting the interest rate pensioners pay should they tap the equity in their home to boost their retirement income.