Worst housing affordability in almost three decades
Homeowners and renters face some of the most challenging conditions in years, with both groups spending a growing proportion of income on a place to live.
Homeowners and renters face some of the most challenging conditions in years, with both groups spending a growing proportion of income on a place to live.
Home building approvals have broken a two-year ceiling but industry groups warn it's not enough to meet a target of 1.2 million homes by 2029.
Housing approvals have risen 10 per cent off the back of a surge in new apartments as opposition parties release policies to tackle the housing crisis
Prospective tenants are pressured to pay for checks on legally dubious databases as technology is installed between tenants and owners in a bid for profits.
CoreLogic has revealed regional house values and rents have sky-rocketed to all-time highs, with Western Australia experiencing the biggest jump.
A poll shows almost half of all migrants and refugees feel they are copping the brunt of Australia's housing affordability crisis.
Economists say there could be relief on the horizon for renters, despite prices growing in every capital city in the last months of 2023.
People are struggling to find rental accommodation because a lot of housing stock is being listed on sites such as Airbnb, Greens leader Adam Bandt says
A sexual deviant who drugged and raped his new housemate on the day she moved in and took intimate photos of other women has been jailed for almost a decade.
The Greens will use rental increases and housing crisis to target inner city seats after the party's vote went up at the 2022 election, leader Adam Bandt says.
Affording a rental in Sydney or Melbourne is hard enough but for refugees it is doubly so in a competitive market, with 1.1 per cent vacancy rates.
The Queensland government's move to reduce the frequency of rent increases has been welcomed by social service advocates but panned by the real estate sector.
Funding to help renters stay in their homes, support for emergency accommodation and cost-of-living relief form the response to a major Queensland summit.
The latest Rental Affordability Index shows more regional households are facing stress and key workers cannot find homes, in NSW, Queensland, Tasmania and WA.
The Queensland Greens hope the threat of tens of thousands of dollars in tax will encourage investors with vacant homes to return them to the rental market.
House and unit rents have set records in the country's capitals, according to Domain, as cost of living pressures prompt calls for more affordable housing.
The Queensland government is defending claims changes to how rental bonds are managed are designed to prop up the state's budget.