Social media use linked to spike in teen self harm
Queensland's chief health officer has issued a warning about the "public health problem" of social media to young people.
Queensland's chief health officer has issued a warning about the "public health problem" of social media to young people.
Hospitals across Queensland are under strain amid concerns the busy winter months could put more stress on the health system and blow out patient waiting times.
Alcohol consumption is trending downward, but a study has revealed a disparity between city and regional drinking habits.
Multivitamins during pregnancy are, for the most part, a waste of money. At worst, there’s a risk they can harm you and your baby.
Multiple deaths at a Brisbane hospital have sparked an independent review, with Queensland's public mental health services under fire.
AFL chief executive Andrew Dillon says there's no need for independent doctors to be deployed at all games in the wake of Jeremy Cameron's concussion.
Energy bill relief and more rent assistance will form part of a cost-of-living package in the federal budget to help Australians struggling to makes ends meet.
Residents who fear what a NSW coal mine might be doing to their health have gone to court, arguing its environmental licence is not fit for purpose.
Proposed laws in Queensland will bring greater scrutiny to IVF and fertility services, as well as the introduction of a donor conception register.
A peak medical body is calling for urgent end-of-life care funding in the Queensland budget and an explanation as to where previous funding has gone.
A young Australian's near-death experience produced a silver lining when it prompted his brother to get tested for a life-threatening condition.
Coal miners in central Queensland will need to have their lungs retested after an audit found a health practice failed to effectively conduct tests.
Medical research is still a men's game, despite the fact almost half the nation's doctors are women, an internationally renowned anaesthesia researcher says.
Queensland builders fear the government's decision to scrap a transition period ahead of the engineered stone ban will increase costs to the industry.
A drug that has been on the market to treat opioid addiction can potentially be used to alleviate debilitating illnesses like long COVID, researchers say.
Queensland Premier Steven Miles has marched with union members after making an Australian-first health leave announcement for public service workers.
Poor sleep affects up to 90 per cent of people who suffer from chronic pain, but health practitioners rarely considered it a central part of their treatment.
A pre-surgery anxiety clinic in Brisbane has been working to calm worried children before they undergo medical tests or procedures.
A meeting of anaesthetists has been told medical practitioners are offered little training on the range of treatment options available for chronic pelvic pain.
No one will be held criminally accountable for Victoria's fatal COVID-19 hotel quarantine system after charges against the health department were dropped.
Jodi Hamilton says granting her mum's wish to die at home in remote Queensland was "everything". It has inspired her award-winning work in palliative care.
Patient safety could have been compromised when hospital workers posed as patients in a waiting room and ambulance during a ministerial visit, a probe found.
Doctors are leading a fresh push for all drivers aged 75 and older to have yearly health checks but say driving tests should be up to regulators.
Expectant mums in Queensland's far north have been forced to travel more than 800km to the nearest birthing suite for more than two decades.
Anecdotal reports from patients taking semaglutide for weight loss suggest it reduces their appetite and craving for food, but surprisingly, it also may reduce their desire to drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes or take other drugs. But does the research evidence back this up?
Health officials are pleading with locals to stop bringing deadly snakes to hospital after several bite victims arrived with the reptile responsible.
A second supervised injecting room will not be built in Melbourne, after the state government rejected a report recommending one for the CBD.
A backlog of cases at a Queensland DNA lab has increased as the state opposition calls on the government to release a full strategy to address its issues.
Patients are now waiting almost twice as long as they were 20 years ago for elective surgery, a damning report card on public hospitals has revealed.
People who identify as non-binary experienced the highest rate of bullying among medical trainees, a national survey has found.
The Greens have raised "prohibition" concerns about tough new vaping laws but health ministers from around the country want the legislation to be fast-tracked.