A bunch of supply has prices going bananas
Suellen Hinde - Queensland Editor |

Far North Queensland banana growers will “a peel” to consumers not to forget the iconic fruit as prices tumble to rock bottom.
In Cairns and other areas of the state bananas are being sold at just $2 a kilogram as a very healthy growing season floods the market with supply.
About 6.7 million kilos of bananas went to the Australian market from FNQ last week, according to the Australian Banana Growers Council, the peak industry body.
“You would be hard pressed to find a banana and it not be from Far North Qeensland,” Council CEO Jim Pekin said.
“Ninety-six percent of the bananas sold in Australia right now are produced in the Cassowary Coast, Tablelands and Lakeland areas of North Queensland.”
But supply is outstripping demand.
Mr Pekin said demand usually drops off around Christmas time when people have been eating lots of Christmas fruit like mangoes and cherries.
“The price at the moment varies a bit, as a general rule it is not as high as we would like.
“Supply has been consistently good with good weather conditions and growing conditions.
The Banana Industry is set to launch a new campaign to get back into Bananas “Whatever your thing, make your body sing”.
“They are highly nutritious and better than a biscuit they are slow and sustained energy.”
“With kids going back to school you need to grab some bananas,” he said.