Video: Police release Kingston bomb suspect footage

Robyn Wuth |

Queensland police are calling for witnesses after a nail bomb exploded in Kingston last week.
Queensland police are calling for witnesses after a nail bomb exploded in Kingston last week.

Police had released footage of a person lowering a dangerous nail bomb over a fence before the device exploded, seriously injuring a man south of Brisbane last week.

Security footage captured the bucket being lifted over the fence and carefully lowered into position.

The bomb was placed behind an SUV parked in the driveway of a home in Kingston about 1.15am on March 24.

A hooded jumper hides the suspect’s head, with his face covered by a mask.

The device exploded as a man moved the bucket, not realising the danger.

The 52-year-old suffered severe shrapnel wounds to his chest, abdominal region and limbs. He later underwent surgery in Princess Alexandra Hospital.

Police the explosion was a targeted attack, downplaying any risk to the broader community.

Detectives are calling for witnesses or drivers who may have captured dash-camera footage in Kingston Road, Juers Street, and Jacaranda Avenue between midnight and 6am on March 24, to contact the police.