Annual leave levels reach record highs


If you’ve been saving up your annual leave due to COVID-19, you’re not alone.

New figures from Roy Morgan have revealed Australian workers have accrued a record amount of annual leave.

The data showed 8.1 million Australians in paid employment have a combined 185 million days of annual leave owing to them, as of September this year.

It represents a more than 23 per cent increase on the 149.5 million days of leave available in September 2020.

The data showed a sharp rise in accrued leave coincided with the arrival of the Delta variant and lockdowns in eastern states.

Roy Morgan chief executive Michele Levine said ahead of Christmas and summer, there had been a substantial increase in the number of people with two or more weeks of leave owed.

“Now, 50.7 per cent of Australia’s paid workers have at least two weeks leave compared to 46 per cent of paid workers a year ago,” she said.

“There are now 1.39 million Australians who now have at least seven weeks of annual leave due, up from 1.22 million.”

However, there have been fewer people in 2021 with less than two weeks of leave, compared to 2020.

Figures showed 10.7 per cent of workers have less than a fortnight owing to them of leave, compared to a bit more than 14 per cent last year.

Ms Levine said with people having large amounts of leave, there was added incentive for tourism operators to capitalise on the desire to travel.

“The largest markets of NSW and Victoria have been hardest hit by COVID-19 over the last two years and present the biggest opportunity for tourism operators in Queensland, Tasmania and South Australia to tap into,” she said.

“It is more important than ever for domestic travel and tourism operators to appeal to the 6.7 million Australians who have at least two weeks of annual leave up their sleeve.”